Drama queen turned rapper Bhad Bhabie has officially darkened her skin and the internet is going nuts. Bhad Bhabie has been in the media since she was 13 years old with one drama after another.
It appears even as she grows we are yet to see the worst as Bhabie has transitioned her complexion from white to dark.
So rumors of Bhad Bhabie acting black have been around for some time. In 2020, the 19-year-old made a video and denied the claims.
However, barely 2 years after, Bhad Bhabie has transitioned into a black lady. Aside from other procedures, Barbie has taken a drug called Melanotan to get her skin darkened.
Via Media Take Out:
Female rapper and former Dr. Phil star Bhad Bhabie has a new look. she’s now a Black girl. Or at least, that’s what she looks like.
According to online reports, seen by Media Take Out, Bhad Bhabie, real name Danielle Bregnoli has been taking melanotan pills to artificially darker her complexion.
Melanotan is a lab-made chemical. It is similar to a hormone found in the body. It was originally made as a drug to help treat certain skin conditions. It is also sold over the internet as a supplement.
Melanotan is similar to a substance in our bodies, called “melanocyte-stimulating hormone.” This hormone increases the production of skin-darkening pigments, like melanin, and can turn a fair skinned person – dark brown.
And that’s exactly the look that Bhad Bhadie has now.
Bhad Bhabie is a rapper and internet personality. She first became known from an appearance on Dr. Phil in September 2016, in which she uttered the phrase, “Cash me ousside, how bout dah?”, which became a viral video meme and catchphrase.
In 2017, Bregoli became the youngest female rapper ever to appear on the Billboard Hot 100 chart with her debut single “These Heaux”. She subsequently signed a record deal with Atlantic Records and has since expanded into a reality show, a makeup brand, tours, and a music career. Bregoli released her first mixtape, 15, in September 2018. Its lead single, “Hi Bich”, became her second single to appear on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
These rappers might be confused about the skin tone that gets enough attention. Just a few days ago black rapper Ice Spice revealed a Caucasian look after ditching her afro and now a white rapper has gone completely brown!
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