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38-Year-Old R&B Singer Fantasia Goes Back To School To Learn How To Read And Write

38-Year-Old R&B Singer Fantasia Goes Back To School To Learn How To Read And Write

At age 14, Fantasia dropped out of school and moved out of her home, at 17, she got pregnant and had a baby. After struggling vainly to get a job due to her lack of education, her American idol journey changed her life and gave her stardom and even a career that sustained her financially, even as an illiterate.

Although financially comfortable, Fantasia can’t read or write, and that deems her “unfit” for today’s society. Fantasia admits that she has been ashamed of her educational status and has always wanted to change things.

The now 38-year-old claims she is concerned about how people will see her, and also she wants to be a motivation for her 7-year-old kid and 17-year-old brother, so she is going back to school to educate herself on reading and writing.

Fantasia is currently enrolled in online-only classes where she wishes to accomplish her dream of being counted among the literate.

Via Media Take Out;

R&B singer Fantasia has decided to make a positive change in her life. The beautiful songstress has told her fans that she’s enrolled in college, Media Take Out has learned.

According to our research, Fantasia is taking online only classes at a popular for-profit college.

Fantasia explained to her fans, in a new Instagram Live videos that while in school, she hopes to become “more literate.”

The beautiful R&B singer struggles with reading and writing. In her autobiography, Fanny admitted that while charming American television viewers and wooing the judges to become a pop star, she was hiding the fact that she was barely able to read or write.

“You’re illiterate to just about everything. You don’t want to misspell,” Fantasia told “20/20.” “So that, for me, kept me … in a box and I didn’t, wouldn’t come out.”

Her illiteracy kept her from even trying to get a job before her stint on television. “I was so ashamed and I was like, ‘What will people say about me?’ I can’t get a job,” she said.

The singer described herself as functionally illiterate, and is brutally honest about her challenges in her new memoir, “Life is Not a Fairy Tale,” which she dictated to a freelance writer.

Congrats to Fantasia for making a change in her life.

Celebrities’ schooling for fun is wild as f***. We did that so we could get jobs and even live life in general. Well, unlike Adele and many other celebrities who went back to school for the fun of it, it seems to be a necessity for Fantasia.

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